Limitation can only be understood by humiliation. When the avatar in game runs into the skybox. He sees more to the world, yet he cannot reach into it. An invisible screen separates him from the fulfillment of desire. So is it too with matters of the heart. When a love is denied by the other, her existence isn't extinguished or hand waved away. It is more real than anything. Whether the arising feelings are disgust, or anger, regret or despair, these all do not deny the existence the other. The feeling of being denied isn't one that should be celebrated, at least not too much. It is good to be denied, as you will not find many defenders of jailbreak, rape or other kinds of theft. Maybe you will. In any case, the humiliation suffered is not a purely 'menatlist' experience.

Humiliation colours the mind so plainly because it is the one state that puts the social nature of man on center statge. You can be angry at lower animals or plants or the weather, you can even be embarrassed by it, but you can never be humiliated by it. It takes three to tango for humiliation. The person being humiliated, the humiliator and the spectator. In many cases the audience and the humiliator, or even the humiliated, are the same person, but it is useful to make this distinction. Of this troika, the most important is the person being humiliated. It is very difficult to not notice who this person is in a given humiliation. He is that who is being denied. This is probably the simplest meaningful definition for a seemingly complex emotion. The account of Cain's denied offering being a prime example of this. The sins of Wrath and Anger are caused by gaining knowledge, whether true or false, about a certain state of things. Anger cannot come about without some information being gained or possessed by the Angry. This realization may come about by way of humiliation.

Retaliation or Vengeance isn't the only fruit of humiliation, there can also be a more somber reaction that is best described as Nihilism. It might seem overly dramatic to call a character walking into a video game's sky box Nihilism, but this is actually an underestimation. While Nihilism isn't good or really justifiable, it is quite understandable(No reasoning given). "How could this happen to me?" "Are my prayers really being answered?" "Why doesn't she like me?" "Am I good enough to actually carry out what has been asked of me?". These are all reasonable questions for some to have at certain times. But this doubt shows a self-defined misunderstanding of reality, also self-defined.

Sticking your head in the sand IS actually a good counter to Nihilism, despite what others will tell you. There are, of course, various unwanted problems that may arise but they also may not. People enjoy thinking that certain "mentalist phases" of thought are inevitable, but it is perfectly possible for one to go through life without any such "mentalist phases". It is quite possible to play the game to completion without any interactions with the skybox or hidden bugs and so on. Extending the feeling of "completeness" gotten from finding every Easter egg, hack or glitch in a game outside of the machine leads to bricked states.

What does all of this have to do with Limitation and humiliation? It is to show the inevitability of humiliation. The overcoming of man only leads to the increase of his humiliation. When one learns, he submits his mind to another. So to when he loves. So to when he communicates, either speaking or listening. At its base, all of man's social interactions have humiliation and submission as its main ingredient. To reject this is indistinguishable from elevating one's self, not only over humanity, but over the World and Existence. Many may attempt to revolt against Humiliation, they see it as a weakness. They are exactly right, it is a weakness. The Philosopher said that any man that did not subject himself in this manner was something akin to a beast or a god. He is also exactly right, for even these are lower still, than man.

These macro and micro-Nihilisms are a result of battling against Limitation and not accepting the result of the contest. It's perfectly acceptable to run up against Limitation. There have even been some who wrestle It or those who insult It. Some who submit, spit on, and try to kill It. Some deny It. Some can only talk about It.

But there has never been any to overcome It.